Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Being a "Yes"

Although as part of Elul Zman--that time of the Jewish calendar that precedes the New Year and is marked by intense self-reflection--I have not decided to become fully religiously observant again, I have decided to take up a practice for the next thirty days that I have frequently undertaken in my life. Namely, "to be a yes." My yoga teachers have frequently talked about this, and I think my penchant for cynicism and caviling is often ultimately at my own expense--as Wallace Stevens wrote "disillusion as the last illusion." Thus, I am going to literalize this practice, à la the mediocre Jim Carey film from number of years ago, and essentially say "yes" to any opportunity, request, or plea that comes my way in the next thirty days (within reason). So, here's your own chance to take advantage :)